2025 AFTER-SCHOOL SERIES - Grades K - 5
Join the MMA for the Winter After-school Series - Grades K - 5
January 7 - February 13! This Winter series of programming is DAY SPECIFIC and explores Nantucket Island. Participants will be picked up (with parent permission) from NES & NIS at 2:30pm, Nantucket Lighthouse School at 2:50pm, and the Nantucket New School at 3:00pm and depart for the MMA's Hinchman House Natural Science Museum or an outbound location. Each afternoon holds different activities, crafts, and adventures. School might be out, but the curiosity never stops! Pick up will be at 5pm at the Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk Street.
- Tuesdays - 6 Week Series Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, February 4, and 11
- Wednesdays - 4 Week Series Jan. 8, 15, 22*, 29, February 5, and 12*
- Thursdays - 6 Week Series Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30, February 6, and 13
*Wednesday Jan. 22 & Wednesday February 12 are NPS Early Release Days. REGISTER for these dates under NPS Early Release Days Option.
Winter After School Series Cost per participant: $400 for the entire series or $25 per session.
MMA Members receive a 20% discount when signed into their account.
Click on show individual events to register for individual dates.